Seven of AfriCHI’16’s tracks are published in the written conference proceedings as Extended Abstract and follow the general ACM guidelines for International Conference Proceedings Series Extended Abstracts. Gumzo Extended Abstracts uses a variant, the pictorial template that was originally created for Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) and emphasises visuals. All other tracks with Extended Abstracts use the regular Extended Abstract template.

We suggest you download the appropriate templates in MS Word format for Extended abstracts, read the guidelines in the template and then replace the text and image space with your content. We will not accept LaTeX formats, nor abstracts that violate the requirements for anonymisation or maximum page length for relevant tracks, summarised below.

Track Template Non/Anonymous Maximum number of pages
Gumzo Pictorials MS Word or Adobe In-design Pictorial Anon. 4 (excl. refs)
Posters Regular Ext. Abstract Anon. 4 (excl. refs)
Masters & Doctoral Consortia Regular Ext. Abstract Non-anon. 4 (excl. refs)
English & Local-Language Workshops Regular Ext. Abstract Non-anon. 4 (excl. refs)
Courses Regular Ext. Abstract Non-anon. 4 (excl. refs)
Demonstrations Regular Ext. Abstract Non-anon. 4 (excl. refs)


Extended Abstracts for Posters and Gumzo Pictorials must be anonymised to permit double-blind peer-review by programme committee members. Please ensure that your Poster or Pictorial will be understandable to reviewers without having to know who you are. Firstly, do not include your names and institutions anywhere in the document and omit acknowledgements – you will add these into your final camera-ready version.

Secondly, ensure that the author(s) name/s or institution/s do not appear in the document properties (File… Info… Inspect Document or File… Properties).

Finally, so that reviewers take into account all prior or related work relevant to your Poster or Pictorial, you should not anonymise the references to your own work but cite your own work in third person. For example, rather than “We extend our prior work [5]..” you might say “We extend Akarele’s et al’s work [5]…”.


As explained elsewhere, all Extended Abstracts, should be well-written and be accessible to readers of English, even if a Workshop or multi-media/oral work is in another language. However, we do not restrict the use of English to UK or American English thus authors may include languages other than English in the text. Please read AfriCHI’s local language policy. For clarifications contact the Language chairs on language at africhi dot net.